Thursday, May 31, 2012

Questions DOE educators are afraid to ask?

Those who have opinions on education are divided into several groups:
          1.  Those who intentionally want to maintain the same students in the subclass
          2.  Those who need to maintain the same students in the subclass in order to have someone to save
          3.  Those who don't have the courage to stand for needed changes
          $.  The small minority that care about kids and are ready for action
See how many at the DOE can answer these questions without lying.
What is the fundamental purpose of education?
          Is it primarily for the purpose of screening kids for college?
          Is it primarily for the purpose of preparing kids for their future?
Do letter grades tell what a child has learned?
          If someone passes with a D-, have they achieved sufficient knowledge?
          If students get straight “A’s” have they been challenged?
If a child is on the 6th grade level in reading, 4th grade level in math, what grade should she/he be in?
          Are grade levels mute?
Do all kids blossom at the same time?
          Are kids made to feel stupid and pushed out of school if they blossom slower?
          Are kids held back if they blossom faster?
Do parents matter as the childs first and best teacher?
          Is parent input taken seriously or just for show?
          Are parents treated ike a well respected customer?
Are schools accurately judged based on the number of students who achieve grade level proficiency?
          If we have a range from severe special needs kids to extreme genius and all levels in between how can we continue to insist they score the same on a test?
          Is it more important when kids learn than that they learn?
          Is it more important who wins or who learns?
Do all students spend their entire educational lives in one school?
          If not, is their current school accurately judged based on the number of students who achieve grade     level proficiency when they enter from different places at different levels?
What responsibility does the student’s former school have for their progress?
          Should schools be judged based on the individual improvement of their students?
          Can individual improvement be determined by a test?
If a student scores on the pre-primer level in reading on the state standardized test, 5th grade level on a computerized test and 7th grade level on a "one on one" test, what is his/her real level?
          Are standardized tests accurate for all students?
          Is the purpose of a skill level test to rank kids?
          Is the purpose of a skill level test to provide information to the teacher?
Do all kids learn and demonstrate learning in the same way? 
          Do kids learn better by listening and following or by doing and leading?
          Will kids learn better if the lesson relates to their current culture?
          Will kids learn better in the classroom or in the community?
          If students are not good test takers are they stupid?
Does the current pass fail system force kids out of school?
          Do kids learn from failure or fail from failure?
How do all students know whether or not they will be inspired by skills required of high level jobs?
          Will kids who appear to have low skills, display high skills if inspired by jobs requiring high level skills?
          Are all kids allowed this opportunity without fear of failure?
          Should kids have to earn the right to experience high level skilled jobs?
Are the same skills needed for a student to score high on a test as for them to truly learn?
          When taking a high stakes test do we search our brains for knowledge or the best way to score high?
How can we assure every student has a pathway to success?
          Should public schools serve all of the public students or just the best learners?
          Should there be an IEP (MAP My Action Plan) for every one?
Should we change the Slavery Based Education System or continue to force the same kids into a lifetime of poverty?

The solution is all over this website and in our books!